Free Papers Sharing — how long could a free paper stay on your hands?
We are in touch with different promotional items in our daily life. Posters and leaflets can be count as the kind of media that delivering the messages very directly. But how long could they stay on your hands? Nowadays, the web is being widely used. Posters and leaflets become higher cost items. Every single images can be forward and share freely on the web. There is relatively spending a very low cost of money and time for delivering messages. And therefore, prints are being replaced time by time. We believe that free papers are a kind of arts. Using text, simple lines, images and graphics to express the main idea of the issue. Matching with different textures of papers when printing, or even having effects of embossing patterns. All of these can not be seen and touched though the web. “Free paper sharing”will showcase the free papers collected by Fundamental from Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. We can see the different cultures of the places from every posters and leaflets, see the ideas and thoughts of different local designers, and their criteria on choosing a suitable paper. We would like to share the arts of prints and free papers to the public. The sharing will be different from general exhibitions. The audience can take away and keep the showcasing items. It is meant to extend the lifetime of free papers.